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Steve Presse: Bayesian nonparametrics for single molecule
Bayesian analysis and model selection in Biophysics
A Bayesian Nonparametric Model for Inferring... - Shai He - MLCSB - Poster - ISMB/ECCB 2021
"Living Histories". Steve Presse | #TheLivingHistoriesSeries
Navigating Academic Life: from grad school to tenure
MLSS 2012: P. Orbanz - Session 2: Bayesian Nonparametrics (Part 2)
ASU APS Research Highlights Series: Shep Bryan - "Counting Fluorophores"
ALTA 2016 tutorial part 1: Simpler Non-parametric Bayesian Models, Wray Buntine
ASU APS Research Highlights: Mohamad Fazel - "High Resolution FLIM Maps from Minimal Photon Counts"
Generalized Bayesian MARS - JSM 2021 - Bayesian Modeling Speed Session
ASU APS Research Highlights: Vishesh Kumar - "Inferring Diffusion Cellular Coefficient Maps"